Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Day Off From The Commute

My commute today consisted of walking from the bedroom to the kitchen table.  I guess technically it is still a commute but man was it nice to not have to go in to work today.  I avoided the crowds and had time to go vote.  I have to say though, I do miss the routine of going into work.  It helps me get going in the morning and helps me get into work mode.  It kinda serves as my way to balance work and personal life (even though they tend to overlap a lot).  On my way in, I use the time (if I'm not catching up on sleep) to think about the day's tasks.  On my way out, I use the time to unwind and think about dinner and any meetings  I have with friends.   

1 comment:

Rhaquel said...

that's a good way to spend time on the commute to work and from work. I sleep every morning because I have a 2 hour commute, but I currently have a problem in the afternoon. I used to read always in the afternoon or stare at the window, but since it's dark and the driver doesn't turn the lights on and I can't do anything. I spend most of the time thinking although sometimes gets very boring!