Monday, November 3, 2008

Lonely streets

When I come back home late at night, I usually walk 2 or 3 blocks after getting off the bus. Lately, I started to freak out on how dark the streets are, and how lonely they are. I wonder on how insecure is walking at night back home ( and even during the day!). Some times I've crossed by some crazy guy walking in the street...and start walking fast or changed streets.......I wonder, what would I do? how would you a approach a situation of danger?

1 comment:

Amy said...

It's hard now that it's getting dark earlier. Always walk on well-lit, major streets. If you can, walk with someone. I will sometimes walk right behind a group of people so that it seems like I'm with them, even if I don't know them. If you need, take a cab or ask a friend or family member to meet you at the train or bus stop.